My only grandparent that I ever met, was my Grandma Betz and she died just before I turned 3. I only have a very vague memory of her reading books to me and my brother, Mike. One of my greatest wishes for my own kids was for them to be able to get to know their grandparents and be able to remember them. I feel so blessed that my wish came true.
We talk about my parents a lot in our house. One of us will say something and it will remind of us something Grandpa or Grandma used to do. I also frequently hear myself saying something and remember my mom saying the exact words to me when I was a kid. A few short years ago, that would have made me cringe. Now it can brighten my whole day. I already see traits in each of our kids that obviously come from either Eric or I. Some we're proud to take credit for. Others, not so much.
I absolutely love it when I see little bits of my parents in my kids. Dani has a love for kids that my mom had. And kids are drawn to her. Our little neighbor boy who is almost 2 adores her as she does him. My mom taught Sunday School way back when she was a
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Maxine and her Sunday School class
young woman. This year, Dani also started teaching Church School to 4 year olds. Those Tuesday nights at church were the highlight of each week for her. No matter what kind of a day she had at school, those kids made her smile and laugh and brought her joy. And she always came up with fabulous ideas to teach the kids the church lesson in a way that 4 year olds could relate to. She had me made her a stick donkey for Jesus (Pastor Morrie) to ride in on for the lesson about Palm Sunday. The kids waved artificial palm branches as he went by. She built a small cross that she took to one lesson and let the kids carry it on their back while wearing a crown of thorns (a small grapevine wreath that we found at JoAnn). Another time, she washed the childrens feet to show how Jesus washed the disciples feet. She told me that when she got to one little girl's feet, they were covered in mud. Dani never missed a beat. She held up the girl's feet and told the class that was what the disciples feet really looked like when Jesus washed them.
When she showed me the cross she'd made, I instantly thought of my dad. He loved to do carpentry work. I have a couple crosses hanging on our walls that he made. He would have been so proud of Dani for making that cross. He also would have loved to see her teaching little kids about God. He had a strong faith and so does Danielle.
My mom would love to hear the stories about Church School from Danielle. She loved kids and would have been impressed with the creative ways Dani taught the kids about God. It just touches my heart to think Dani is doing something my mom did all those years ago.
Evan has my dad's tender heart. I think it is a good thing for men to shed a tear every now and then. My dad did on more than one occasion. When Evan was younger, he'd cry during Disney movies. Before both my parents funerals, my sister had put boxes of kleenex in the pews where family would sit. During my mom's funeral, Evan used kleenex after kleenex to wipe his tears. I admit, I actually chuckled when he pulled the last kleenex out of the box. He literally went through an entire box of kleenex at her funeral. I tell Evan that a tender heart is a good quality to have.
My mom and dad both loved that Evan enjoyed going to the farm. At the farm, Evan literally gets up at 5:30 am to help with the milking, helps my sister with barn chores, cleans calf pens and collapses into bed at night. He definitely got that from my dad. I avoid going in the barn at all costs.
My mom and dad both loved that Evan enjoyed going to the farm. At the farm, Evan literally gets up at 5:30 am to help with the milking, helps my sister with barn chores, cleans calf pens and collapses into bed at night. He definitely got that from my dad. I avoid going in the barn at all costs.
Evan making chocolate chip scones
From my mom, Evan has inherited a love of baking. My grandpa owned a bakery for years and I figure that was where my mom got her love of baking. Evan will make muffins or cinnamon rolls or caramel rolls for breakfast lots of mornings. His favorite treat of all is Scotcheroos...especially when his aunt Jo makes them. They were one of my mom's favorites as well. When we had a cookbook made in honor of my mom at Christmast time, Evan was very excited to see the recipes to all his favorite treats. I tell Evan that a love of baking is also a wonderful trait to have. He should make a great husband some day. What woman wouldn't want a sensitive man who can bake?
Lauren definitely inherited my mom's love of visiting. She likes to tell every last detail of a story. Her and Grandma loved to sit and talk with each other. They had a special bond that really deepened after my dad died. She also wants to comfort others who are hurting, much like both of parents did. When Eric had to tell our kids that Grandma had died, he said he had tears in his eyes, and Lauren told him it would be ok. After my mom's funeral when we went to the cemetery, Lauren cuddled up with Jo and patted Jo's back to comfort her. Several months after my dad died, Lauren had a classmate whose grandma died. Lauren was only 7 at the time, but she drew her friend a picture. In the picture, my dad was welcoming Lauren's friend's grandma into Heaven. I made a copy of it for my mom and she loved it. I know my dad would have been very touched by it as well. I also recently found a picture Lauren had drawn of an angel that said, I Am Free. She has a faith that I'm not sure she even realizes she has. Lots happened with her after my dad died. She had a very hard time coping with his death. But I think working through that really helped her learn about God. She was telling me one day that there is a kid in her class who told her they don't believe it God. She said, "Really? Haven't you ever heard of the book Heaven Is For Real?"
Lauren's Angel Picture |
My parents loved their grandkids. Even though my mom and dad are no longer here, they live on in my kids. They are never far from us. Evan told me one day that sometimes he still feels like he's getting a hug from Grandma...all the way from Heaven.
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